Tipperary County Council is seeking expressions of interest in respect of projects under the CLÁR Scheme 2023 recently launched by the Department of Rural and Community Development from which the Council will consider for submission to the Department.

CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in areas that experience disadvantage. The aim of CLÁR is to support the sustainable development of identified CLÁR areas with the aim of attracting people to live and work there.

Applications can only be submitted from these District Electoral Divisions (DED) for this funding:

This Call for Expressions of Interest relates to

Measure 1: Developing Community Facilities & Amenities

A minimum grant of €5,000 and maximum grant of €50,000 will apply to this measure. The scheme will provide up to 90% of the cost. The remaining 10% must be provided by match funding. Measure 1 will support a variety of capital projects provided they contribute to the enhancement of existing or development of new, accessible Community Recreation Facilities. In 2023, Measure 1 will prioritise funding applications in respect of small scale renovation works to community centres (e.g. floors, windows, doors, heating upgrades, kitchen upgrades) and in particular community centres that did not receive funding under the Communities Centres Investment Fund (CCIF)

Where shortlisting is required the Council may consider as part of the process:

  1. The positive impact of the project in respect of the Sustainable Development Goals (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/)
  2. Relevance to the scheme and the positive impact to the locality
  3. The Deprivation Index of the DED
  4. The benefits received by the area under various grant schemes in the last 2 years
  5. Measure 1 supports projects which develop and enhance access to unique local heritage sites and/or areas of natural beauty in local communities e.g. walkways to important local sites
  6. All newly developed community facilities and amenities funded under the programme must be disability-friendly.
  7. Any facility funded under this measure must be open to the public without a requirement to be a member of a club

The Scheme Outline and the Expression of Interest application link are available on links below.

Eligible Applicants: Schools, Community Groups, Local Development Companies, Local Authorities.

Any application must adhere to the following requirements:

  • The project must be located in a designated CLÁR area to be able to be considered – details of CLÁR areas are listed above
  • The terms and conditions associated with the Scheme – detailed in the 2023 Scheme Outline Clár 2023 are available below.

How to express an interest?

Your submission must be submitted using the Expression of Interest template on this link

>>Link to Expression of Interest Online Form<<

The closing date for expression of interest (EOI) applications is Thursday 27th April at 4.30pm.

The EOI applications will be evaluated and the successful 15 applicants will be invited to submit a full Clár application on Tuesday 9th May with a closing date for the submission of these applications by Thursday 25th May to allow for submission to the Department of Rural and Community Development by Tuesday 6th June 2023 for its consideration.

Any queries on the scheme can be sent to CLAR@tipperarycoco.ie